Naturopathic First-Aid Kit ebook

Naturopathic First Aid Kit Mockup

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Naturopathic First-Aid Kit

Learn how to keep you and your family healthy and safe this tick season.
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Protect Yourself!

It’s time to get outside and go this summer and I know you want the best products to protect you and your family during this outdoor season! 

Look no further, I’ve got you covered with the Naturopathic First-Aid Kit guide! Dr. Patrick Fox and I created this guide to help you and your family stay healthy and safe this tick season! We go beyond ticks and give you our favorite products for insect repellant, topical antiseptics/microbials, homeopathic pain relievers, and GI support for those oh so inconvenient moments. 

From hiking and camping, to all your outdoor adventures, we’ve got you covered!

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