In today’s modern society we talk a lot about estrogen dominance and for good reason because it’s a real issue. However, I think low hormones are a real problem too, that not a lot of people are talking about.
Estrogen is probably the most talked about, most beloved, and sometimes most hated hormone. It’s an amazing hormone that helps with more than our ability to reproduce.
Estrogen does a lot of different jobs:
- Builds bone
- Enhances insulin sensitivity
- Slows the aging process
- Boosts your sex drive,
- Raises serotonin (think mood and sleep)
Estrogen also regulates over 1000 genes, so you can see how it’s a really important hormone.
Symptoms of Low Estrogen
When you have low estrogen, you can start to feel pretty bad. Common signs of estrogen deficiency include:
- Light or missing periods
- Breast tenderness
- New onset or worsening of migraine headaches
- Painful sex from poor vaginal lubrication
- Hot flashes
- Mood swings
- Depression
- Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections
- Insomnia
- Memory issues
- Night sweats
- Anxiety
- Low libido
- Weight gain
- Hair loss
- Fatigue
Estrogen deficiency is most common with women in perimenopause and menopause. However, estrogen deficiency can be caused by hysterectomy, thyroid problems, pituitary gland issues, radiation or chemotherapy, anorexia, genetic diseases, age, and insufficient body fat.
How Do I know I have Low Estrogen?
One way is by the symptoms mentioned above, the other is to test your hormones. Blood serum levels can give you a snapshot, but for a more robust picture of your hormone health, my favorite test is the DUTCH test (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones).
You can take the DUTCH test at home, from anywhere in the world. In fact, I just did mine all the way from Nigeria. It’s a great test that looks at your reproductive hormones, your 24-hr cortisol, estrogen metabolites and how well the detox pathways are working, certain organic acids, and your melatonin levels.
What Can I Do If I Have Low Estrogen?
You will want to work with your health care practitioner on a targeted lifestyle and supplement plan.
Here are a few things you can do to support yourself:
Include fiber, fat, and protein in every meal and eat often enough to avoid blood sugar swings.
Add flax seeds to your diet. Two tablespoons per day have been shown to have hormone balancing effects for estrogen dominance and estrogen deficiency and may help slow the onset of osteoporosis.
Black Cohosh increases estrogen levels and can help with symptoms of low estrogen such as hot flashes, insomnia, and depression.
Maca is a popular herb for hormone balancing. Some people react well to maca, others don’t. Just something to be aware of if you want to give maca a try.
A key component to balancing hormones is making sure you get an adequate amount of essential fatty acids, magnesium, B vitamins, and Vitamin D from your diet or from supplements if necessary.
What Now?
Your estrogen will lower with age, but you shouldn’t feel terrible. It’s important to assess what may be causing your estrogen imbalance, and how other hormones, diet, food intolerances, and gut health may be playing a role in that.
If you’re eating well and doing the basics, it’s probably time to talk to your practitioner about hormone testing and diet and lifestyle protocols to help you feel better and get your estrogen balanced.
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